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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Mobile Phone Use and Distraction while Driving Assignment
Cell Phone Use and Distraction while Driving - Assignment Example This includes both blameless existences of younger students, people on foot and travelers going in smashing vehicles. Others included are inside structures upon vehicle crashes while exploring endlessly from the streets for a normal circumstance. The other classification is the individuals who make due from crash wounds. They either get minor wounds like scratches and extraordinary wounds and once in a while treatable minor body cracks, or the mishap leaves them with perpetual harm. Truly perpetual body wounds could be a harmed spinal line, excised legs, loss of motion, significant mind injury, which could put the casualty on a wheelchair for his entire life, or impede cerebrum work for coordination. Every one of these wounds could convert into exorbitant clinical costs to treat or keep up where difficult to address, which is another money related weight. Decimation of private and open property that costs the taxpayers’ cash to set up or to claim are either in part or completely devastated. The vast majority of the genuine vehicle crashes on interstates render the vehicles unusable or hopeless. A large portion of these vehicles result to squander in salvaged materials locales in the USA, while minor curves cost more to fix. On the off chance that properties outside the street are influenced as well, proprietors could guarantee harms for loss of properties. Human-Related Errors that cause Car Accidents PDAs: Handheld mobile phones are carelessly utilized anyplace without individuals taking any measures to control themselves. With the approach of new innovation cell phones, most of the driving young people have this untrustworthy utilization of devices. Most vehicles and trucks mishaps, 22 and 71 percent individually, meet occupied drivers on PDAs visiting, messaging, understanding messages, or calling (CARRS 1). It is fitting that drivers abstain from accepting calls while driving since it dangers causing mishaps. In the event that the issue is earnest, they can stop by the side of the road and convey in a surge, instead of attempting to deal with two undertakings simultaneously, which is normally deplorable.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Justin Bieber Free Essays
Never state Never was one of the most uplifting films I’ve everâ seen, and I don’t think I’ll ever observe one that beats it. Consistently I hear scornful remarks on Justin, things like †He’s gay††He seems like a girl††he’s so fake†And so much stuff, haters can feel free to loathe, however in the event that you really took a second also stop the detesting, and listen too the words that come out of Justin’s mouth, listen too his melodies, watch his film, I guarantee you’d see him from a totally different viewpoint. I generally thought Justin Bieber was only some hot Canadian that had a decent voice, however he’s a great deal more. We will compose a custom exposition test on Justin Bieber or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now He’s surrendered such a great amount for his fans, it’s mind boggling. He’d rather sing his heart out at a show at that point set down when he’s debilitated, he puts his loved ones first, and that’s all that should matter. You cannot pass judgment on somebody by looks, by voice, by single word you hear. To pass judgment on somebody, you need also get too know them, comprehend what they’ve experienced, see all they’ve surrendered for other people, see how astounding and cherishing they really are. Now and again I get so furious when individuals attempt also talk down on him, and affront him, yet they’re just demolishing themselves, sure perhaps a couple of individuals think its clever, however that’s your supposition, and I wager on the off chance that you truly listened too yourself, you’d be embarrassed at the amount you put down a child who’s surrendered tons only for his fans, a child who lives for his loved ones, a child who doesn’t care what the haters state. He’s worked for this his entire life, This is his vocation, this is his fantasy, this is his beginning and end. Cash doesn’t matter, notoriety doesn’t matter, and he doesn’t let it get too his head. I’ve never had a motivation.. what's more, You know how Justin rouses Michael Jackson, Usher, and all the others? Well I’m pleased also state he rouses me. I have 3 dreams in the course of my life that I know whether I trust and implore enough, they can work out as expected. My most significant dream is for my father also quit drinking and battle his malignant growth and carry on with an amazing remainder without having also stress. My second most significant dream is for my mother also quit smoking, her mother kicked the bucket in her mid 50’s from emphazima, and my mother is the most notable individual in my life, and too observe her bite the dust when I’m just 13, kills me inside. Furthermore, my last dream†¦ that I guarantee also never abandon is too meet Justin, too really talk too him, stay in contact with him, become familiar with how great of an individual he is.. Also, I will never abandon any I had always wanted until I contact them, or until there’s zero chance any longer. I petition God for those 3 dreams each prior night I go too rest, and whats ment also be, will be. What occurs, occurs and some of the time nobody can change that. He began as an ordinary child living in Canada, doing all the things typical children do. He had typical companions, an ordinary family, an ordinary life. He surrendered all that for this life, for these fans, to do what he adores, too satisfy individuals. Individuals think he just fakes it for attention†¦ for more acclaim, yet what do you get from that? Nothing, on the off chance that you be honest too yourself and give everything you got, you can do anything and that’s precisely what Never Say Never is about. An ordinary child who realized he could do anything he put his heart as well, he’s one out of many, he has a blessing, and nobody, no oneâ can remove that from him. He has the most astonishing fans on the planet, I’ve really never observed individuals so committed too an individual, so adoring towards an individual, so thinking about an individual they’ve never at any point found the opportunity also talk as well. We’ll consistently be there for him, through whatever, what he does with his life is up too him, and us belieber’s will be there with him at all times. When a belieber, consistently an adherent. Step by step instructions to refer to Justin Bieber, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive Monday Morning Essay Tip Lead or Led
Blog Archive Monday Morning Essay Tip Lead or Led A very common mistake we see in mbaMission client essays is misuse of the verb “lead.†A deeply entrenched and widespread misunderstanding seems to exist as to which spelling connotes present tense and which one connotes past tense. One of our consultants even had a client raise his voice to her in passionate defenseâ€"of the wrong usage! In case you are not completely confident about this word yourself, we hope this blog post helps clear up the issue for you! Lead or Led? Leadâ€"verb, present tense, rhymes with “seedâ€â€"refers to actively and presently guiding others. “In my current position as managing director, I lead a team of six analysts in completing market analysis.†Ledâ€"verb, past tense, rhymes with “bedâ€â€"refers to the act of having guided others at an earlier time or at some point in the past. “Led†is both the past tense and the past participle of “lead.†“As part of my first job after college, I led two summer interns in a competitive assessment†and “I have led multiple teams of salespeople during my five years at the firm.†Confusing the spelling and/or pronunciation of this verb’s different tenses is a simple mistake but one that stands out clearly to admissions professionals who have probably seen this verb more times in the past year than most people do in a lifetime! So, pay close attention to which is which, and be sure you are using the correct version every time. Share ThisTweet Monday Morning Essay Tips Blog Archive Monday Morning Essay Tip Lead or Led A very common mistake we see in mbaMission client essays is the misuse of the verb “lead.†A deeply entrenched and widespread misunderstanding seems to exist as to which spelling connotes present tense versus past tense. One of our consultants even had a client raise his voice to her in passionate defenseâ€"of the wrong usage! In case you are not completely confident about this word yourself, we hope this blog post helps clear up the issue for you! Lead or Led? Leadâ€"verb, present tense, rhymes with “seedâ€â€"refers to being engaged in actively and presently guiding others. “In my current position as managing director, I lead a team of six analysts in completing market analysis.†Ledâ€"verb, past tense, rhymes with “bedâ€â€"refers to the act of having guided others at an earlier time or at some point in the past. “Led†is both the past tense and the past participle of “lead.†“As part of my first job after college, I led two summer interns in a competitive assessment†and “I have led multiple teams of salespeople during my five years at the firm.†Confusing the spelling and/or pronunciation of this verb’s different tenses is a simple mistake but one that stands out clearly to admissions professionals who have probably seen this verb more times in the past year than most people do in a lifetime! So pay close attention to which is which, and be sure you are using the correct version each time. Share ThisTweet Monday Morning Essay Tips
Monday, May 25, 2020
A Similar Life Within A Story Eveline by James Joyce
The heartache of losing a loved one is indescribable. Many people live out their lives based off how that one person would want them to live. James Joyces short story, Eveline, is an example of how promises are hard to break. As James Joyce writes his stories, his characters and themes share similarities within his own life, giving them more value and much more meaning behind the importance of the story. To begin with, Eveline is the story of a young teenager facing a dilemma where she has to choose between living with her father, who has beaten her in the past, and escaping with Frank, a sailor which she has been with for some time. This story is one of fifteen stories written by James Joyce in a collection called Dubliners. The†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Eveline†and â€Å"The boarding house†are two stories written by Joyce, where he writes about the effects of the Irish society on younger girls. The heroin Evelyn, portrayed as a young girl burdened by responsibilities, represents the joyless life of the Irish. (The Explicator). Having lived through his childhood up to the end of his university education, Joyce has become aware of the life in Ireland and the ambition of young people to leave Ireland and be what they say, free. In these two stories however, there is a kind of weakness in the two different girls because at the end of the stories, they both cho ose to continue their domestic roles. â€Å"Eveline†and â€Å"The boarding house†offer two portrayals of women whose lives are structured and controlled by the stigma of femininity that are attached to them by the stigma of their patriarchal societies. Each ends up serving a domestic role, one realizing the gendered aspect of their fate, the other not aware of any other option (Ingersoll). In these stories, Joyce writes about the rigid society which he grew in and how it affects these two girls in each case. Another pattern, probably the most significant, is his catholic family background. Eveline comes from a strongly catholic family, her mother was catholic while she was alive, and Harry, her brother, is in the church decorating business. The picture of the priest which hangs on the wall in their house and whom she knew nothing about is alsoShow MoreRelatedEveline1643 Words  | 7 PagesIn â€Å"Eveline,†James Joyce uses the juxtaposition of the ever-ch anging setting and the unchanging stoic character of Eveline in order to exemplify the character’s reluctance and inability to move forward. James Joyce is known for his juxtaposition of light and dark throughout his short stories, specifically in his story â€Å"Araby.†I would argue that Joyce is using the contrast of opposing forces described above between the setting and the character in a similar way as he was light and dark. â€Å"Araby†Read More The Theme of Escape in James Joyce’s Dubliners Essay1073 Words  | 5 PagesThe Theme of Escape in James Joyce’s Dubliners In James Joyce’s Dubliners, the theme of escape tends to be a trend when characters are faced with critical decisions. Joyce’s novel presents a bleak and dark view of Ireland; his intentions by writing this novel are to illustrate people’s reasons to flee Ireland. In the stories â€Å"Eveline, â€Å"Counterparts†, and the â€Å"Dead†, characters are faced with autonomous decisions that shape their lives. This forlorn world casts a gloomy shadow overRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour And Eveline Analysis1817 Words  | 8 PagesKate Choplin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and James Joyce’s â€Å"Eveline†are two short stories that have an unpredicted storyline to it. Everyone doesn’t quite enjoy reading short stories in literature, but in the short story â€Å"The Story of an Hour†Kate Choplin makes a very subtle but strong statement towards women’s rights. In the short â€Å"Eveline†James Joyce is about living your life in a promise. Choplin uses different symbols within the story to represent freedom, the existence of self-assertive, andRead MoreEssay on Male and Female Paralysis in James Joyces Dubliners3585 Words  | 15 Pagesthat each story within James Joyce’s Dubliners contains a theme of paralysis. In fact, Joyce himself wrote, â€Å"My intention was to write a chapter of the moral history of my country and I chose Dublin for the scene because that city seemed to me the centre of paralysis†(Joyce, letter to Grant Richards, 5 May 1906). Contained in this moral history called Dubliners are twelve stories that deal with the paralysis of a central male character and only four that deal with so called paralysis within a centralRead MoreAraby: an Outline Commentary1533 Words  | 7 PagesAraby: An Outline Commentary ‘The Sisters’ and ‘An Encounter’ are about the same length. ‘Araby’ is roughly a hundred lines shorter than these. There is a progression in the three stories. The boy in ‘The Sisters’ is a passive witness, limited in his capacity to act by the weight of the adults about him. The boy of ‘An Encounter’ rebels against this oppression but his reward is the menace of a bizarre and abnormal adult. The boy in ‘Araby’ strives both to act and to realize an actual affectiveRead MoreLecture on Short Story5432 Words  | 22 PagesThe short story Narrative genres, such as the novel or the short story, are born out of the very powerful human need to tell stories, out of our fundamental desire to give shape to experience in order to understand it and share it with the community. Through story telling early communities made sense of natural phenomena, unexpected events, and personal experience. Storytelling enabled them to pass on valuable information and to keep the memory of their ancestors alive down the generations. StorytellingRead More Personal Paralysis in Dubliners by James Joyce Essay1852 Words  | 8 PagesPersonal Paralysis in Dubliners by James Joyce Imagine being paralyzed; unable to move freely. Most people when they think of paralization, it is connected to the physical. However, paralysis takes on more than one meaning and goes way beyond physicality. There are three definitions from Webster online: 1. Complete or partial loss of function especially when involving the motion or sensation in a part of the body 2. Loss of the ability to move 3. A state of powerlessnessRead More Triangular Structure in James Joyces Dubliners1970 Words  | 8 PagesTriangular Structure in James Joyces Dubliners Within the body of literary criticism that surrounds James Joyces Dubliners is a tendency to preclude analysis beyond an Irish level, beyond Joyces own intent to create the uncreated conscience of [his] race. However, in order to place the text within an appropriately expansive context, it seems necessary to examine the implications of the volumes predominant thematic elements within the broader scope of human nature. The psychic dramaRead MoreEssay on James Joyces Dubliners: Two Gallants2403 Words  | 10 Pages  In Two Gallants, the sixth short story in the Dubliners collection, James Joyce is especially careful and crafty in his opening paragraph. Even the most cursory of readings exposes repetition, alliteration, and a clear structure within just these nine lines. The question remains, though, as to what the beginning of Two Gallants contributes to the meaning and impact of Joyces work, both for the isolated story itself and for Dubliners as a whole. The construction, style, and word choiceRead MoreEssay about Gender Roles in Society1016 Words  | 5 PagesGender Roles in Society Suggested roles of all types set the stage for how human beings perceive their life should be. Gender roles are one of the most dangerous roles that society faces today. With all of the controversy applied to male vs. female dominance in households, and in the workplace, there seems to be an argument either way. In the essay, â€Å"Men as Success Objects†, the author Warren Farrell explains this threat of society as a whole. Farrell explains the difference of men and women
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Universal Acceptance of Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay
Universal Acceptance of Hamlet by William Shakespeare The tragedy and situation in the play ‘Hamlet’ has been commented on as ‘universal.’ Audiences of many different cultures can enjoy ‘Hamlet’ even though it is set in an alien culture to them. The reasons for this are that many people can relate to the play, they feel that they are living though a profound experience, even if nothing in the plot of Hamlet has ever happened to them. The experience of ‘Hamlet’ is not restricted to the plot and its characters. A large factor in this universal acceptance is that the main character, Hamlet, around whom the entire play revolves, is realist and ‘universal’ himself. In this Hamlet is merely a reflection of aspects found in all men, he†¦show more content†¦Hamlet must fight the ‘snake,’ the evil that lays hidden, and is all the more dangerous being so. Hamlet does not have the crowds on his side, he is opposing an evil no one recognizes as evil. This makes his trail all the more harder. This complexity of evil allows Hamlets flaws to appear, for not even he recognizes the evil at first. He first recognized flaw is that of doubt. It is a realistic flaw for him to possess. Hamlet is told by a supernatural figure- that may or may not be his father- to avenge himself on Claudius, the King of Denmark. It would be too naive of Hamlet if he just took the shade at its word and used it as provocation to confront Claudius. Instead the only way available and true to his character is to reveal Claudius’s guilt, with a witness to conform him. It is his subtle methods and slyness that rank him a superhuman again. He takes a non-aggressive (which makes him the good and ‘right’ character) action to conform Claudius’s guilt. If Hamlet is wrong than no one would know Hamlet mistake, and Claudius would not be harmed if he was innocent. Instead Hamlet proves Claudius guilt, without making Claudius too suspicious that he has found Claudius out. (Hamlet) â€Å"-The play’s the thing Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king†¦(Act 2, Scene2) O good Horatio, I’ll take the ghost for a thousand pound. Didst perceive†¦ Upon the very talk of poisoning-†Show MoreRelatedHamlets Paradox of Man1011 Words  | 5 PagesShakespeare was a man ahead of his time. He was a man who had an ability to portray the inner workings of humanity. Throughout his masterful works he was able to peer into the human psyche and capture emotions like no other writer has been able to do. He filled every one of his plays, most notably Hamlet, with eternal truths concerning human emotions. Shakespeare develops the paradox of man and contradictions of humanity with imagery, ironic siloques, and philosophical rants by Hamlet and ClaudiusRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s King Lear, Hamlet, Othello And Macbeth1206 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish 3.7: Achievement Standard 91478 Introduction Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor. Through analysing four tragedy texts by Shakespeare, I have noticed he uses the fall of the main character as the primary focus in his tragedies as this creates good suspense and climax as an added attraction for the audience. A Shakespearean tragedy, is a five-act play and they usually revolve around a similar idea of conflict. This is the Internal and external Conflict within the characterRead MoreThe Role of the Double Plot in King Lear and Hamlet Essay1785 Words  | 8 PagesKing Lear and Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, are two plays that reveal similar thematic elements, yet possess fundamentally different plot structures. Driven by the suffering and rage of two complementary characters, both plays suggest injustice through ‘good’, but ultimately flawed characters. This shared overarching theme is, however, conveyed differently within each of the works, as one employs two mainly disparate plot threads, whil e the other relies more heavily on the interaction between theRead MoreHamlets Soliloquy - to Be, or Not to Be2355 Words  | 10 PagesHamlet s Soliloquy - To be, or not to be Hamlet s To be, or not to be soliloquy is arguably the most famous soliloquy in the history of the theatre. Even today, 400 years after it was written, most people are vaguely familiar with the soliloquy even though they may not know the play. What gives these 34 lines such universal appeal and recognition? What about Hamlet s introspection has prompted scholars and theatregoers alike to ask questions about their own existence over the centuries?Read Moreshakespeare influences16068 Words  | 65 Pagesï » ¿ RESEARCH TOPIC An Analytic Review Of Shakespearean Influence On Faulkner s Tragedy RESEARCH QUESTION How Shakespeare tragic patterns influenced on William Faulkner s writings? NAME: SYEDA AMBREEN FATIMA FATHER’S NAME: SYED HASAN AKHTER SEAT NO: 1315793 ENROLMENT NO: 2013/ENG/M.A(LIT)/15681 DATE OF SUBMISSION: 28TH NOV 2013 SUBMITTED TO: MISS SAMREENRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare2573 Words  | 11 PagesThroughout Hamlet, William Shakespeare’s eloquence and use of thematic imagery helps convey Hamlet’s state of mind as troubled and ambiguous, establishing him as a tragic hero whose feelings of death are nothing short of an enigma. From the opening scene with the ominous apparition to the brutality of the final scene, death is seemingly portrayed further than that of its simplistic physical nature. Hamlet’s thought provoking and introspective nature causes him to analyze death on different levelsRead More The Existential Progression of King Lear Essay3680 Words  | 15 PagesExistential Progression of King Lear The human condition is the scrutiny of art, Prince Hamlet notes the purpose of art is to hold the mirror against nature. King Lear is a masterful inquiry into the human condition. King Lear is confronted with existence in its barest sense and is forced to adapt to that existence. His adaptation to the absurd provides an invaluable insight for all into the universal problem of existence. Lear is forced into an existential progression that will be traced withRead More Comparing the Love of Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night and the Bible4838 Words  | 20 Pages        No emotion has such universal meaning as love. It is an integral part of the human condition. Love is the basis for by which all other emotions can be gauged. Friendship and even grief are steeped in love. Love is so central to our lives that it is fitting and proper that it should be the topic of so much discussion. Every culture and every writer has some commentary or evaluation of love. The New Testament has its share of love commentary. The entire basis of the Christian tradition isRead MoreSAT Top 30 Essay Evidence18536 Words  | 75 Pages.............................................................................. 27 Fiction and Literature: Hamlet by William Shakespeare (â€Å"To be? Or not to be?†) ...................................................................... 29 Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling (Witches, Wizards, and Muggles!) .......................................................... 31 Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (Murderous schoolboys stranded on an island!) ......................... 33 The Great Gatsby, by F.Read MoreSeminar: Literary Theory Applied to H.P. Lovecraft-Notably â€Å"the Beast in the Cave†6821 Words  | 28 Pagesliterature in the letter to Fliess (October 15, 1897) in which he discussed Oedipus Rex. He applied the idea of oedipal conflict to audience responses to the character of Hamlet in Shakespeare’s amply named play. Freud looked at Hamlets inability to act, and he speculated about the role of oedipal guilt in the life of William Shakespeare (Holland). The Oedipus complex, if you were wondering, essentially involves a childrens need for their parents and the conflict that arises as children matures and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Use Of Recreational Drugs And Its Effects On Mental...
The use of recreational drugs has been common among humans ever since their psychoactive effects and ability to alter consciousness was discovered. A downside to this is that according to research, substance use has been linked to the development and expression of latent mental illness (a mental disorder that a person may carry the genes for but not express). My main research focus is the question of how drug use, especially hallucinogenic drugs, mediates and effects mental health, and whether it contributes to the prevalence of latent mental illness appearing in an individual, especially those with family histories of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or other mood and personality disorders. I will also discuss reasons why those already diagnosed with mental illnesses may choose to use recreational drugs and the motivations behind their choice, as well as societal problems arising from this decision. Finally, I will focus on the efficacy of using certain drugs in therapeutic settings . Substance Use and the Mentally Ill The use of controlled substances, also known as recreational drugs, is a very common and popular pastime for many. Its prevalence is difficult to measure, since the only reliable method of gathering data on this fact is self-reported usage, and people are unlikely to report their use of an illicit substance, even if their anonymity is protected. Latent mental illnesses in some can be exacerbated by the use of recreational drugs, especially hallucinogenicShow MoreRelatedMarijuana Should Not Be Beneficial For Medical Purposes1080 Words  | 5 Pagesbeneficial for medical purposes. It has therapeutic effects that will ultimately allow patients with adverse health conditions to improve their quality of life. Legalizing marijuana can also improve the state of the United States’ economy through taxation and creation of job opportunities. Additionally, it can reduce the crime rate in the United States and save the United States tons of money. Con trarily, marijuana should not be legalized for recreational usage. Extensive studies have globally communicatedRead MoreRecreational Drugs and Their Usage788 Words  | 3 Pages The usage of drugs is a very common practice in our society nowadays. The usage of drugs can vary from medical purposes to recreational purposes. What is drugs? ‘A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body works.’ (Science Museum, What is a drug?, n.d.) So this does not mean that drugs can only be in the form of pill, tablet, oral solution, and injection drugs can also in the form of tobacco that contains nicotine, or drinkable substance such as coffee and tea that contains caffeineRead MoreLegalization Of Marijuana And The United States For Recreational Use1287 Words  | 6 Pagesbiological research, statistics of drug use amongst children and youth and the health effects on regular users of marijuana, this paper will argue that marijuana should remain illegal in the Un ited States for recreational use. Arguments for the legalization of marijuana and arguments against the legalization of the drug will be discussed throughout the paper. It will address the biological effects of the drug on the human body, the current laws in place and the effects it has on children, adolescentsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay examples812 Words  | 4 Pagesholds some truth, marijuana is still a dangerous drug and adding one more problematic drug into the mix will not improve America’s health and safety issues. Although marijuana has its medical benefits, using it for recreational purposes is dangerous for both us and our society. There are countless debates whether marijuana should be legalized for creational use or if it should remain illegal. Marijuana has been legalized in some states for medical use such as pain caused by cancer, glaucoma and nerveRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana And Marijuana Essay1314 Words  | 6 Pagesof the bused drugs in America and the rest of the world. Interesting accumulating evidence show that the significant negative impact of this drug outweighs the positive effects. However, the medical benefits of the drug seem on the process of chemical compounds as compared to the drug itself. Medical debates show that chemical compound in marijuana are the problem as compared to the plant. The said chemical compound affects the mental and physical health of the persons abusing this drug. There haveRead MoreMarijuana: For Better or For Worse?1740 Words  | 7 PagesMarijuana is a harmful drug and should not be legalized. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug used in the United States. It is a plant that grows from the ground however, it contains many harmful toxins. There are many pros and cons for the legalization of marijuana although there are more cons than there are pros; one being that children are the ones who abuse marijuana the most. Surprisingly, against other beliefs, marijuana smoking actually does impair the user’s ability to drive aRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?972 Words  | 4 Pagespurposes ranging from medical use to recreational use. Although small steps are being for marijuana legalization across the country, there is still a long way to go. Some folks argue that marijuana is a gateway drug and impairs judgement, causing people to act recklessly. However, extensive studies have been conducted on the effects, risks, and benefits of marijuana, and have proven marijuana to be safer than alcohol and most prescription, over-the-counter, and illicit drugs. Despite the extensiveRead MoreSocial Forces That Inf luence Healthcare Today868 Words  | 4 Pagespharmacology is mental health illness. Previously our society was not aware of mental health illness as they are now and the pharmaceutical industry is booming in providing medication for illnesses such as anxiety and depression including many more. Another impact on medicine and pharmaceuticals is obesity in our country and the measures being taken to reduce weight and transfer to a healthier lifestyle. As the fight to legalize marijuana continues, many states have already approved medical use to replaceRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal For Recreational Use?1150 Words  | 5 PagesMarijuana, or cannabis, is a drug that has had legalization remain a question in the United States for several years. In countries such as Bangladesh, North Korea, and Uruguay, marijuana is completely legal for recreational use. In America, the states Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska have also legalized recreational use. While there are many dis advantages of the use of cannabis, there are also some potentially useful advantages. Marijuana is a mixture of dried-out leaves, stems, flowersRead MoreThe Legalization of Marijuana Essay1387 Words  | 6 Pagesharmful to one’s health and well-being, yet the positives of this drug outweigh the very few negatives. There have been countless studies trying to pin at least one serious side effect of smoking or ingesting marijuana, but these studies are ultimately unsuccessful. Marijuana in fact, has many health benefits, ones that can cure or suppress many modern diseases, some of which can modern medicine to shame, why would we need anything else? There are many other more dangerous drugs on the market. Tobacco
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Of negotiating Essay Example For Students
Of negotiating Essay It is generally better to deal by speech than by letter; and by the mediation of a third than by a mans self. Letters are good, when a man would draw an answer by letter back again; or when it may serve for a mans justification afterwards to produce his own letter; or where it may be danger to be interrupted, or heard by pieces. To deal in person is good, when a mans face breedeth regard, as commonly with inferiors; or in tender cases, where a mans eye, upon the countenance of him with whom he speaketh, may give him a direction how far to go; and generally, where a man will reserve to himself liberty, either to disavow or to expound. In choice of instruments, it is better to choose men of a plainer sort, that are like to do that, that is committed to them, and to report back again faithfully the success, than those that are cunning, to contrive, out of other mens business, somewhat to grace themselves, and will help the matter in report for satisfactions sake. Use also such persons as affect the business, wherein they are employed; for that quickeneth much; and such, as are fit for the matter; as bold men for expostulation, fair-spoken men for persuasion, crafty for inquiry and observation, froward, and absurd men, for business that doth not well bear out itself. Use also such as have been lucky, and prevailed before, in things wherein you have employed them; for that breeds confidence, and they will strive to maintain their prescription. It is better to sound a person, with whom one deals afar off than to fall upon the point at first; except you mean to surprise him by some short question. It is better dealing with men in appetite, than with those that are where they would be. If a man deal with another upon conditions, the start or first performance is all; which a man cannot reasonably demand, except either the nature of the thing be such, which must go before; or else a man can persuade the other party, that he shall still need him in some other thing; or else that he be counted the honester man. All practice is to discover, or to work. Men discover themselves in trust, in passion, at unawares, and of necessity, when they would have somewhat done, and cannot find an apt pretext. If you would work any man, you must either know his nature and fashions, and so lead him; or his ends, and so persuade him or his weakness and disadvantages, and so awe him or those that have interest in him, and so govern him. In dealing with cunning persons, we must ever consider their ends, to interpret their speeches; and it is good to say little to them, and that which they least look for. In all negotiations of difficulty, a man may not look to sow and reap at once; but must prepare business, and so ripen it by degrees.
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